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South Oakland Warming Center at Genesis

Genesis is hosting the South Oakland County Warming Center from January 19 - February 2 and needs volunteers! Roles include Overnight Hosts, Weekend Daytime Hosts, and Set-Up/Tear Down. You can also be involved by donating some of our much needed items on our Amazon Wishlist.


Click the links below to sign up! Email Trent Cayce if you have any questions.

Get Involved!

Give Your Time

Give Your Financial Resources

Guest Transportation -- Sign Up Here

We will offer guests transportation to our Weekend Day Program from the previous church or to the next church in rotation. Each transportation volunteer should have room to transport 3 guests at one time (including their bags) and be willing to make 2 trips. Both locations are 7-10 minutes away from Genesis. 

Sunday, January 19, 7:40-8:40am (6 spots)
Sunday, February 2, 6:45-7:45pm (6 spots)

Healing Hands -- Sign Up Here

We are excited to bring back the Healing Hands ministry as part of this year's Warming Center. As a volunteer, you would have the opportunity to sit and minister one-on-one with our guests in a quiet, comfortable setting while offering a variety of skin care lotions.  

Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30pm - 9:30pm (2 spots) 

Overnight Hosts -- Sign Up Here

These roles are the Warming Center's biggest need. Hosts will work in teams of 2, to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests while they are in our facility. Overnight Hosts are in charge after all other volunteers have left the building. You must be over 18 and no longer in high school to serve as an Overnight Host. Please sign up for 1 Overnight Host shift per week, feel free to sign up for as many Overnight Sub spots as you'd like. 

FIRST SHIFT - 8:00pm -2:00am
SECOND SHIFT - 1:45am-7:15am 

PLEASE NOTE: The second shift begins immediately after the first shift and is technically in the early morning of the next day. 

Overnight Host Subs -- Sign Up Here

Please sign up to be a General Sub if you are willing to possibly sub given anywhere from 4 to 48 hours notice.

Please sign up to be an Emergency Sub if you are willing to possibly sub immediately if called (including in the middle of the night).

FIRST SHIFT - 8:00pm-2:00am
SECOND SHIFT - 1:45am-7:15am (8:15am Weekends)

PLEASE NOTE: The second shift begins immediately after the first shift and is technically in the early morning of the next day. 

Set Up and Tear Down -- Sign Up Here

Volunteers for set up and tear down are crucial to the function of the warming center. They will move supplies to the lobby, pack blankets in bags, hang signs, move chairs and set up sleeping areas. Set Up & Tear Down volunteers DO NOT need to attend the mandatory training.

01/11/2025 - Saturday 12:30pm-3:00pm, Set Up (15)
Middle school or high school students are welcome to serve with parent or guardian from same household. Include students in quantity of volunteers when signing up.

01/19/2025 - Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm, Set Up (15)
Middle school or high school students are welcome to serve with parent or guardian from same household. Include students in quantity of volunteers when signing up.
NOTE: Guests will be in the building while this Set Up is taking place.

02/4/2024 - Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm, Tear Down (15)
NOTE: Guests will be in the building while this Tear Down is taking place.

Weekend Daytime Hosts -- Sign Up Here

Weekend Daytime Hosts are supporting guest safety and comfort throughout the day. Responsibilities: Pass out meals, light cleanup, conflict resolution, and monitoring guests.


The primary goal is to be a kind, caring support person. Common activities with guests: play a game, work on a puzzle, engage in conversation, or watch TV.  All Weekend Daytime Hosts must be at least 18 years old.


Jan 19:
First Shift: 7:30am-1:30pm (3 spots) 
Second Shift: 1:15-6:45pm (3 spots) 


Jan  25 & 26, Feb 1:
First Shift: 8am-1:30pm (3 spots) 
Second Shift: 1:15-6:45pm (3 spots) 


Feb 2:
First Shift: 8am-1:30pm (2 spots) 
Second Shift: 1:15-7:30pm (3 spots)




If you are not able to volunteer your time for the Warming Center, another way that you can get involved is through giving donations to help supply the needs of the program. There are many things that we need to purchase before we can host our guests. You can find the Amazon Wish List here

Additionally, we are jetting the plumbing system to prepare and are asking 85 people to donate $35 to cover the cost. Would you join us in helping in this tangible way? Make a financial contribution here.

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