Access to Care
Scroll through this page to find the different ways that we as a church seek to love and support our community and the communities around us -- whether you need care or want to give care.

Within-Community Requests:
Extra-Community Requests:
We do provide benevolence to people outside of our community. If you would like to request benevolence assistance from the church, you can do so here.
Community Cafe:
Community Cafe is a twice-monthly meal served either grab-and-go style or sit down in South Hall for our friends and neighbors. This legacy effort has been a long-standing, low-barrier, belly-filling and community-focused outreach of the Genesis community for many years. Meal service occurs typically on the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 11:30am-1:00pm. To learn more or sign up to sponsor a meal, contact Cristina Ike.
Food Bags:
Food bags are available for those who need it during our church office hours: Tuesdays from 9am-12pm.
Eagles for Children:
Through the Eagles for Children Grant, we provide support to families that have had their biological children returned to their care out of the Foster System. We provide financial support to secure housing, maintain safe conditions in current housing, and additional support to avoid food scarcity, unhealthy living conditions, or homelessness. The goal of this program is to provide a gap in support once the children have returned home, with the ultimate goal of the children not re-entering into the Foster Care System.
On-Site Requests
Genesis has started accepting $25 gift cards to Meijer and Kroger as part of our benevolence fund. These gift cards, which can be used for gas and/or groceries, are accessible to people who may walk into our building asking for assistance at a time when there is someone in the office to assist in that moment. If you are interested in donating a gift card, contact Amanda Hines.
Meal Train
Genesis has a team of people who band together to provide meals for others in our community who could benefit from them, especially after illness or injury, loss, or other major life events.
If you would like to be notified when there is a family who could use a meal or nominate someone (or yourself) for a meal train, click here.
Oakland County Resources
Click here to access Oakland County Support Services, including therapists, childcare and Head Start programs, food pantries, transportation, and medical care.
Click here to find a list of cooling centers in Oakland County for Summer 2024. For an up-to-date list with an interactive map view, click here.
Submit Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request, whether private or public, that you would like to share with our community, you can text it to 94000 or submit it through our digital green card.
We also have elder prayer on the first and third Sundays of the month if you would like to be prayed over by an elder in our community.
Air Coverage Prayer
On the second Sunday of every month at 9am, join us at Genesis for a church-wide prayer meeting. All are welcome to spend this hour before our service praying with us.
We practice different kinds of prayer, like praise, intercession, and listening, and will pray over topics and themes that have come up through our submitted prayer channels over the course of the previous month.
If you have questions about Air Coverage Prayer, click here.
Weekday Morning Devotions
Want to start your weekday mornings off right? Pastor Beau leads a daily morning devotional on weekday mornings at 9am via Zoom. If you would like to get the link to these, you can email Beau.
Personal Care and Mental Health
Pastors and Elders
If you would like to connect with a pastor, you can email Beau or Nate by clicking on their names. If you would like to connect with an elder in our community, you can do so here.
Counseling and Therapy
If you are looking for resources for mental health counseling and therapy, you can view our resources through Support Services of Oakland County. Additionally, you can find some therapists with specific focuses listed below.
Shaina Smith - Prenatal, Postpartum, PTSD
Holly Nabozny - Grief, LGBT, Women's Issues
The Boketto Center - Women's Center
Judy Lipson - Trauma, Grief, Non-Neurotypical
Randy Hermann - Addiction, Sexual Addiction